

Saturday, March 29

So, I guess I must be bored....

I guess that the laundry, dishes and all the other millions of things that really need to be done are going to wait a little longer because today I spent my time online. In high school I drove a 79 VW Bug convertible. I was missing it and thought I would look around online to see what was out there. I found one for sale that was in an old country music video "shut up and drive". Sarah and I just loved this song and I always loved the car so much! I found the video on youtube and sang along like I did 10 years ago. I am sitting here by myself thinking its pretty funny so I thought I would share. I am dork. I know this =) P.S. The third video down is the best...I am not really sure why the other ones came up. The one with the guy makes me feel a little better about myself and how I spend my time!! ha ha

Friday, March 28

PattyCake Photos

A couple weeks ago Shawna from Pattycake Photo came out to the house and took some pictures of Abby and Nate. I just met with her yesterday and she showed me all the pictures. She did an awesome job. I was so pleased with so many of the pictures. It just makes it so hard to choose which ones to buy!! She posted a couple of the picures on her blog so I thought I would add the link. Check it out.

Today, I am blessed.

Monday, March 24

Easter Sunday

Yesterday was Easter. I can't believe how early it seems to be having Easter. Spring is here and summer just around the corner. We had a very fun day. We went to early service and Abby really enjoyed the lesson. She was asking if we were going to die like Jesus died on the cross. She is understanding more every day. We went up to my cousins Josh and Lindsay for a late lunch. It was so much fun. We had a ton of really good food and Abby and Nate played with all their cousins. It hit 90 degrees so they had a water slide and jumpy for them and a really fun egg hunt. Here are some pictures...enjoy!

Friday, March 21


Today we went down to the beach. It's nice to get out and walk around. Sometimes we go to the boardwalk where there are rides and games and today lots of people on spring break. Abby and I went on a few rides. Here is a video of her on the boat ride.

After the beach we went to my mom's house for dinner and to decorate eggs. Abby was kinda into it...well maybe I was into it and she was into chasing my sisters little dog Ollie around the backyard. Nate just sits and enjoys watching and listening to all of us goof balls. He has had a hard few days with his poor little teeth coming in. I can't wait to get past this stage.

Our week

Wow, I can't believe how fast this week went. We had a pretty easy week here. The weather was a little cooler (70's instead of 80's). We all went to Sea World on Wed. night for a few hours, and had tons of fun. Abby loves to go see the dog show (pets rule), and shamu. Brian loves to pay gobbs of money shooting basketballs to win very ugly stuffed animals. It was good time all in all. Here are some pics...

Monday, March 17

Natey boy

Nate now has two little teeth!! This last one really caused some fussy days this last week, but at last it has arrived. Now we have to look forward to all the rest =)

A day at the mall

We had a pretty laid back weekend. Brian and I got a lot done around the house which was nice. We went to the mall yesterday and ended up playing at the playground. We did get a little shopping in =). I remember the days when I had to ride around on this little train with her. It is so nice that she can do it all by herself now!

Wednesday, March 12

Riding bikes at the beach

Yesterday was such a nice day! The weather was beautiful, so we decided to go to the beach and ride bikes. Abby is getting pretty good on her bike. It was a fun afternoon.

Monday, March 10

Video of Nate swimming

New boat

Yesterday we went out to El Capitan Lake. It was beautiful. We took our new boat out for the first time this year. It was Nate's first time on the lake too.

Well here it goes..

So, I don't know all that much about blogging. I can't imagine anyone is that interested in what I have to say. Which, honestly isn't much =)!! I thought this would be a good way to put pics of the kids up. Today we had a swim class, so here is a picture of Nate . Nate is loving the water and it is so fun to watch him. He is getting so big so fast.