

Tuesday, January 27

Today my little girl turned 5!!

Today was Abby's 5th birthday. I can't believe how fast the last five years went by. We spent the last week up at Disneyland. Grammy, Papa and Auntie were able to come and so did her friends Carly and Rachel. We all had tons of fun. It was a little more work than I had expected but I had lots of hands to help. Its amazing how much more there is to do with another little person to take care of. It was a slow time at Disney so we did all the rides with little or no line, which makes each ride so much more fun. Abby and Carly went on space mountain for the first time. Abby warmed up to it and by the second day was begging to go on it again. =) I can remember my first time on space mountain. Crazy!!! Here are some pics of the kids...

Sunday, January 18

More of Luke...

Here are some pictures ...

Has it really been a month?

Wow, I can't belive Luke is already a month old. I have been staying pretty close to home these last few weeks. Can't seem to get caught up yet on the whole sleeping thing yet. I am sure it will come someday...right? =) We did manage to all get the flu in the same week and survive. Luke was the only one that escaped it and poor Nate seem to get the worst of it. Brian's parents came out to visit from Florida and meet their newest grandson and we managed to get them sick too. Abby and Nate had so much fun getting to play with them. I am so glad they were able to come, I only wish we could see them more often!! Here are some pictures from their visit ...