

Monday, October 27

Abby the Farmer...

Last week Abby had farmer days at school. I asked her to take a picture before she left for school and this is what I got. You get to see just a little of her personality. =)

Saturday, October 25

Grammy's Birthday!!

Last week we celebrated my mom's birthday. Abby and Carly love to throw a party!! They get sooo excited about every birthday. We just had dinner here at the house and goofed around. Happy Birthday Grammy, we all love you very much!!

Papa playing with Natey boy outside...

Abby and Carly "helping" Grammy open presents....Papa playing with Abby and Nate before dinner...getting them all calmed down =) !!

The girls performing...and one randomly half naked little boy...

Monday, October 20

Disneyland or bust...

Last Saturday Brian surprised Abby with a little trip to Disneyland. She was soooo excited!! We just went for the day and Carly was able to come with us. The girls had a lot of fun together. Nate had a good time too, starting to realize more of whats going on around him. He loved all the balloons and the music. They all had a good time at the parade. I was pretty tired by the end of the day. I remember the days I would wonder why a pregnant lady would even want to go to Disneyland...I didn't know then that you do lots of silly things to watch your kids laugh!!

Our trip to the see the Pumpkins, and the ponies, and the slides, and the animals....

=) Now a days you can't just go to the pumpking patch and pick out a pumpkin. You go to the pumpkin patch and go on a hay ride, train ride, bouncy slide, pony ride, animal farm and much more. I guess I am just a little jealous, where were all these cool things when I was a kid? We went last week with Sarah and John and kids had a ton of fun.

Friday, October 10

Bike a thon!!

Abby had a bike a thon at school today to raise money for St. Judes hospital. She had so much fun and it was so fun to watch. Carly and Abby thought it was a race, speeding by everyone or trying to. I was so proud =)!! Here are some pictures and video.

Abby's cheering section=)

Happy Birthday Auntie!!

Last nignt we went out to dinner to celebrate my sister's birthday. Abby loves to celebrate birthdays!! We had some yummy mexican food and the kids enjoyed the water fountain. Happy Birthday Auntie we love you very much!!

Tuesday, October 7

Nate walking...

So fun...

Some more fun...

We took a little trip to Sea World a couple weeks ago. Here are some pics from that day....

Last week I took Nate for his first hair cut. He did really long as backyardigans was playing!! It was fast and painless and really cute.

Is it really October already?

Well we are on to the month of October and today it was 100 degrees here. I am so ready for some fall weather!! I have been having a hard time finding time to update my posts so I will try to catch everyone up on what we have been up to. We bought a new house in September and just closed escrow on Sunday. It is only about 2 miles from where we live now, and it has an extra bedroom for Luke. I am really excited about the extra space. We have already pretty much torn up the whole place and are trying to have it ready to move in by Thanksgiving. Here are some before pictures....

Nate started walking about a week ago. It is so cute because he is not very good at it, but every day he gets better. Yesterday I took the Abby and Nate to a little play place and he just loved the freedom! We went to lunch before we got there and they both had a really good time.