

Friday, February 27


Grammy and Papa left last week on their annual trip down to Florida. Needless to say I am lost without them =)!! While they are gone we are doggy sitting their dog Sadie. Abby is in 7th heaven for sure. Yesterday was "take your dog to school" day. Auntie and I took Sadie to school for Abby to share with her class. She told all her classmates about Sadie, did some tricks with her and answered all her friends questions. It was really cute!

Tuesday, February 24

Mickey Land

Can you really have too much Disney? Well Abby sure can't!! Monday was our cousin Maddie's 5th birthday and they were celebrating up at Disney. Who am I to say no to that? =) This trip was soooo fun (like the others weren't). Brian and Auntie kept the boys for me and Abby and I were able to go up and have two days of girl time. We went up on Sunday and spent the night. I was able to have a whole night of uninterrupted sleep!!! It was amazing! Sarah and Carly met us up there Monday and we all had a really good time. Happy Birthday Maddie!!!

Thursday, February 19

Sea Land

Well, the sun came out and the weather has been beautiful the last couple days. I haven't been to Sea World since Luke was born so I thought, why not. So, yesterday I took the kids and we all had a really good time. It was so nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I haven't done too much alone with all three, so it was nice to know I could go and survive!! When I was looking at the pictures, I realized I didn't get Luke in any =(. He was there, just under the blanket. Enjoy...

Sunday, February 15

Snow Snow Snow

Today we drove up to see the snow in Julian. Sarah and John and the kids met us up there. John brought some sleds and we found a fun little hill on the side of the highway and the kids had a blast!!

Saturday, February 7

To the river we go...

My parents were coming out to the river for the weekend, so I decided to bring the kids and come with them. I have learned that crying babies still cry at the river. The weather has been beautiful. Yesterday we played outside all day and took walks to the swing set and along the water. Today it rained all day so Abby and I did a few different crafts and Nate spent most of the day feverish and sitting on his papa's lap. It was kinda fun to watch the rain. It's nice when you don't have to go anywhere and stay inside just watch. My mom and dad are helping tons with the baby so I am trying to catch up on my sleep. Here are some pics...

How about some Airtime??

Last Saturday we celebrated Abby's birthday at a jumpy place called Airtime. It was a fun filled two hours!! Abby loved seeing all her friends! Here are some pictures from the day...